Simon:  the towns

I was born in York, moved to Huddersfield, and then to Sheffield.  I consider that I "LIVED" in Sheffield because I moved here just before I started school and I stayed here through all my school and college years.  Then I went to live in St Agnes in Cornwall (and worked in Truro, Redruth and Bodmin for ten years), before moving to Coventry where I studied for my first Degree.  A temporary job took me to Gloucester for almost two years, before moving back to Cornwall to work in Falmouth for nearly four years.  Relief from the horrors of Falmouth was provided by Postgraduate study in York and then work in the same city.  Finally, for my sins (and BOY must I haved SINNED !!!) I ended up living in Bradford.

My Web Page uses a sign post   (< Simonsbath | Simon Fell >)   as the link for this page because I have found the following places using my name.
(I may put links here to any relevant town Web Pages)

Simon, Mirditë, Albania
Simon, Burgenland, Austria
Simon, Pinkafeld, Burgenland, Austria
Simon, Thüringen, Germany
Simon, Rimini, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Simon Stevin, Flemish Region, Belgium
Simonby, Finland
Simonfa, Somogy, Hungary
Simons, Gusterath, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Simons Winzerhof, Alzenau in Unterfranken, Bayern, Germany
Simona, Lazio, Italy
Simona, Piemonte, Italy
Simona Fioravanti, Prato, Toscana, Italy
Simon, Nevada, United States
Simon, West Virginia, United States
Simon [San Simón], Veracruz, Mexico
Simon [Simons], Ohio, United States
Simon, Houston, Texas
Simon, Cayenne, French Guiana
Simon, Malawi
Simon, Mauritania
Simon, Zambia
Simon, Grenada
Simon, Haiti
Simon, Nevada, United States
Simón, Serrai, Central Macedonia, Greece
Simón, Tarija, Bolivia
Simon, Brasov, Romania
Simon Fell, North Yorkshire, UK
Simon's Seat, Cumbria, UK
Simon's Seat, North Yorkshire, UK
Simonburn, Northumberland, UK
Simonsbath, Somerset, UK
Simonside, Northumberland, UK
Simonstone, Lancashire, UK


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key text:  This is the page for the name of SIMON from the website  RedSimon which is a series of photo albums of Simon GP Geoghegan.
The names of Simeon, Simone, and Simonette are also considered
There are also notes on Simon the Apostle
and on St. Simon the Stylites
and St. Simon the Zealot
as well as places called Simon